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Hello! Welcome to the "About Us" section of the Huddle House Fan Club site. This is the spot to find out who we are, what we do, and why the heck we do it.

Well it's simple, ok, ok, it isn't simple and it's quite straning for the normal human brain to comprehend a bunch of guys and gals going off to the Huddle House some weekends just for kicks, but no, it is really much more than that. The Huddle House is a place to meet and converse and have some darn good food anytime, day or night!

It all started because a few of us needed a place to eat after late movies, and has since bloomed into the coveted hang out spot that it is. There are great people, nice waitresses, and the old regulars you bond with over the course of frequent Huddle House visits. And yet, we took all that and made an organized group of devoted Huddle House fans, thus the Huddle House Fan Club was born.

Anyone can be a fan, and to be a regular member all you have to do is meet us up there one night and enjoy the magic that is the Huddle House. You can't help but enjoy the Huddle House!

Well, although we plan to travel to Huddle House's all over Alabama and Georgia, the Huddle House we call home and visit most often is the one at 215 Grace Street, Oxford, AL. Yes, 215 Grace Street is graced with the first club charter, but we encourage any potenial fans or people looking for a great original way to have fun to start their own charter. If you do, tell us about it. E-mail us and let us know all about it and we might add a section to our site. First one in gets to be charter two!

Just remeber have fun, your local Huddle House is your friend!